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STOP #270

Tricia awoke early today, way before sunrise, to do a morning walk. It's still one day before the full moon, but it's so dark out here that she was able to have a little fun photographing her moon shadow. Yeah, it's a real thing, not just something Cat Stevens made up!

Later, at a more reasonable hour, I woke up and began getting THE POD ready for travel. We have planned for a little longer than normal travel day and would like to get an 8:30AM start. The target we're shooting for is a small city park about 150 miles away.

All over west Texas there small cities who offer free RV overnight parking with water and electric hookups. They also sometimes provide for garbage collection and waste water dumping. They do all this in an effort to get people to stop to their towns and possibly spend a little money at their grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants and such. I know they won't benefit from us stopping tonight because we don't need any of those things they offer, except maybe the electrical hookup to run our heaters tonight.

As far as travel days go, today wasn't a good day to be on the road. Winds of 30-35MPH and gusts up to 50MPH where present all along our route across eastern New Mexico and western Texas. We passed through only a few small towns as most of this area is agricultural land.

This time of the year there are very few crops being grown so most of the land is just dirt right now. With the high winds most of that dirt, and several hundred 3-foot round tumbleweeds, were being blown across our 150+ mile long path.

We made it to the first of two possible locations to spend tonight and weren't thrilled with what we saw. There were 14 campsites and 7 of them were already filled at 1:00PM with Texas plated RVs. There was only one on truck in the park, so everyone else was off site, probably working somewhere local, which means they are living in the park.

We pulled into one of the empty sites and ate lunch in THE POD. It was easy for us to agree that we should move on to Option #2 about 30 miles down the road in the next small town. When we arrived here we were so happy with our previous decision to roll the dice and move on.

Our campsite for tonight even has this huge Welcome Sign to greet us upon our arrival.

All tucked into our private campsite. There was only one other camper here when we arrived.

Look at the wind pushing this large evergreen tree around.
It should help buffer THE POD tonight so we can get some sleep.

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