That's right, today we fly out to visit Hawaii!

"THE" 50th United States
will soon be
"OUR" 50th Visited State!

Nothing like saving what we hope to be
"The Best For Last"!

It just didn't seem right to post our Hawaiian Vacation stories here on TWO PEAS AND THE POD. For one thing there will be no ROVER or THE POD in any of the photos or stories while we're away. They are both staying here on the mainland in sunny Northern California for the duration of our vacation. They too both deserve a vacation from the road!

Anyway, that's the reason we chose to launch a BRAND NEW Facebook Group exclusively for our Hawai'i vacation posts. If things work out the way I have planned, the posts will be more like daily photo albums along with the witty captions that you've become accustomed to.

I'll need to keep the posts short and sweet, so I have more time to enjoy our time in Hawai'i and less time trying to recap it all. We are going to be in "vacation mode" for our entire visit and will plan to share something special nearly every single day while in the islands.

The only place you will see our Hawaii posts will be on the
NEW Facebook Group!

So don't be alarmed when this blog and the TWO PEAS AND THE POD Facebook Group goes dormant for a while. I promise things will go back to normal when we return!