Located on a small island
at the mouth of the river
that leads to Charleston, SC
(843) 883-3123

Fort Sumter entrance sign
Ferry boat approaching the fort
This is the entrance to the fort
The windows through which the cannons would fire
Interior damage to the fort
The exterior wall with a wooden repair
WW II interior modifications included concrete bunkers
WW II exterior modifications included bricking up the cannon fire windows
Our ferry awaits us to leave the island
Saying goodbye to Fort Sumter
Sign across the street at the Visitor Center
View from on top of the Visitor Center
The grave site of General William Moultrie for which the fort was named
Overall view of the interior of the fort
The Star Spangled Banner (15 stars and 15 stripes - 1794-1814)
Replica cannons from the War of 1812
Cannons from the Civil War
Artillery weapon from WW2
Harbor view from inside the fort
Residential streets now occupy the outside of the fort
Exiting the fort

Fort Sumter is where the first shots of the Civil War occurred. On Friday, April 12, 1861, at 4:30AM the Confederated Army began firing upon the Union Army inside Fort Sumter. Two and a half hours passed before the Union Army would return fire and thirty four hours later the battle stopped, the fort was surrendered and evacuated. Two years later the Union Army tried to retake the fort but were unsuccessful.

Fort Moultrie was originally built with palmetto logs and dirt before the American Revolution. It has been rebuilt many times since then and upgraded right through World War II. It is the only property in the National Park System where the entire 171 year history (1776-1947) of the American seacoast defense system can be traced.

"On August 15, 1947, the Army lowered Fort Moultrie's flag for the last time and ended 171 years of service. After World War II, due to changes in military technology, including submarines and nuclear weapons, seacoast defense of the United States ceased to be a viable strategy." - Wikipedia

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Until next time

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