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Located on Cockspur Island
at the mouth of the Savannah River
15 miles east of Savannah, GA
on U.S. 80 (Tybee Road)
(912) 786-5787

Entrance sign to Fort Pulaski National Monument
Modest lighthouse at the mouth of the South Channel of the Savannah River
A view of the marshy approach to the fort by foot
The only way into the fort. Can you see the welcoming committee?
The difference between victory and defeat!
Confederate round cannon balls on left - 1/8 mile range
Union rifled artillery shell on right - 2 mile range
Partial result of over 5,000 rounds fired at the fort
After just 30 hours of battle the fort was surrendered
April 10-11, 1862
More damage to the exterior of the fort
The back side of the fort was undamaged
The Union Army had repaired the breached wall of the fort in less than six weeks
An interior cannon in the firing position
An interior cannon in the loading position
A hoist used to remove the 7000 lb. cannon for repairs or repositioning
The officer's quarters
The prisoner's quarters
The parade ground and view of the entrance
Upper deck cannon positions

Fort Pulaski was the first Confederate held fort to feel the effects of the Union Army's new rifled artillery shells. Since the fort was built by the Union years before the beginning of the Civil War they knew exactly how and where to focus their attack of the fort. After 30 hours and over 5000 rounds of cannon fire the Confederate Army surrendered the fort, while the Union Army suffered only one casualty.

We are developing a bit of a strategy when it comes to exploring National Park properties.

1) Don't over research the site online before visiting. Research if you must, but once you decide it is something you would enjoy seeing, stop the researching! Let yourself be overwhelmed while visiting the site and you won't risk the disappointment of being underwhelmed if it doesn't live up to your expectations. There will be plenty of time to do more research after your visit if you feel inclined to do so (this actually applies to everywhere we visit).

2) If there is a visitors center go in and explore, get an overview of what the location has to offer. If there is a short documentary film available take the time to watch it.

3) Go on any guided tour that they offer, you'll learn so much more and you can usually ask questions at the end.

4) Save most of the picture taking for after the tour is over, your photos will be so much nicer without the crowds of people in them and you'll be able to concentrate on the tour itself.

for more info visit
website link

Until next time

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