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Arriving at:
Assateague Island National Seashore Campground
Berlin, MD

"The Old Line State"
is our 6th visited state

TRAVEL DAY - 139 miles


Another big adventure during this commute! Read below.

Some of you may recall last week when THE POD was put on a ferry and traveled OVER the waters of Pamlico Sound in NC. Well today THE POD traveled UNDER the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Just five miles from our campsite at First Landing State Park is the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. We have been looking out over the bay at this bridge from our campsite for the last four days and now it is time to go experience it first hand. We finally got to use our E-Z Pass to pay the tunnel fee of $22.00 (good at 17 East Coast states, except Florida). By taking the tunnel it will save us a 200+ mile detour up and around the Chesapeake Bay to arrive at our next campsite.

When we arrived at Assateague National Seashore they require everyone to purchase a $20 entrance pass, even if you are camping inside the park. This is different than any of the other places we have stayed so far, the park entrance fee was always included in the price of camping. But we didn't have to pay it because I just flashed them my America the Beautiful – The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Senior Pass and we just drove on by. It was the best $80 I've ever spent! We have made that money back several times over on half price camping fees alone and now on an entrance fee.

Wait until you see the welcoming committee we had upon our arrival here!

Until next time

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