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Arriving at:
Cape Henlopen State Park
Lewes, DE

TRAVEL DAY - 34.3 miles


Another short move back towards the coast!

Our second short distance move in a row. Delaware is the first of the smaller states that we have visited. Many of the Northeast United States are smaller because the boundaries were being decided way back when there was just the original thirteen colonies. If we were to move our normal hundred miles or so in Delaware, in any direction, we would no longer be in Delaware. So by doing these shorter moves by the time we leave this state we will have camped at three of the five state parks that have campgrounds.

At every campsite since we started this journey Tricia has hung a hummingbird feeder off the back awning of THE POD. She hasn't been putting sugar water in it, but here at Trap Pond State Park in Delaware, it has finally attracted hummingbirds. After loading it up with a sugar water solution she had not one, not two, but three hummingbirds fighting for their turn at the tasty treat awaiting them. Hummingbirds can be found all over the Eastern United States but until now we haven't seen any. They are also very territorial when it comes to feeding. When there was one on the feeder there would be another in a nearby tree watching. When the one in the tree decided that the one feeding had taken their fair share it would dive bomb him to urge them to move on so he could take his turn. Never did we have two birds on the feeder at the same time, let alone three. How much time on the feeder is enough? Well apparently two or three sips is all you get. The first bird that showed up to our empty feeder tried all four little fake flowers on the feeder before he decided to move on to somewhere else, which was probably the campsite down by the bath house, because they too had a hummingbird feeder next to their trailer. Once we loaded ours up they seemed to be showing up at ours every hour or so all day long.

I know what you're thinking, where's the proof, where's the pictures! Well it seems hummingbirds are very camera shy. Here we were sitting at the dinette inside the trailer, only three feet away and every time we'd move to raise a camera, off they would fly. We did manage to capture a few photos of the one waiting in tree because they were much farther way.

Aren't they adorable little creatures?

Until next time

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