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Arriving at: Ocracoke Campground
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Ocracoke, NC

TRAVEL DAY - 86.6 miles


The route today included a 2.25 hour ferry ride!

It took us nearly five hours to move a short 87 miles between campgrounds today because half of that time we weren't driving, the ferry boat captain was. The Cedar Island Ferry is operated by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and our one way fare was $45.00 for a triple space (between 40 & 60 foot). You can just show up and board the ferry, but we decided to book a reservation at no extra charge to guarantee our space and time slot. It was a tight fit (as you can see in the photo below) but we made it through without a scratch.

The first two things that come into view when approaching the ferry docks at Ocracoke are the luxurious waterfront accommodations and the Ocracoke Lighthouse (sadly not open for public climbing).

We just spent the last three nights at Flanners Beach Campground out in the National Forest with electric hookups but no water hookups, a first since we started this journey. So for the first time we had to put water in our fresh water tank and use the onboard water pump to get it to come out of the faucets and to operate the toilet, thank goodness it all worked. At Ocracoke Campground we will be without water and electricity, cross your fingers for us that everything turns out OK!

Until next time

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