STOP #288

You might be wondering why would we move the trailer 21.7 miles after just a two night visit? Well it's because we were 23 miles from the Ford Dealership and that's outside of their Free Courtesy Shuttle Van limits of service.

By moving across town basically, we are now just 6 miles from the Dealership and can use them to shuttle me back to THE POD after I drop ROVER off for service and then return me to the Dealership when he's all fixed and ready to come home.

I'm not sure what it would have cost me to Uber back and forth (twice) from 22 miles away, but here at the county park there is laundry equipment, something that we are desperately in need of. The bathrooms, showers and laundry are right across the driveway from the site we selected, that should make it convenient to get things done.

Plenty of room to fit into this County Park campsite.

Not such a bad view for being in the middle of the Capitol City of Topeka, KS.

ROVER was returned to us today and he's all ready to transport us and THE POD to Alaska. For the next 12 days we will be traveling 100's of miles each and every day until we take a two day rest stop in northern British Columbia. Our previous plan was to schedule a 2 or 3-day layover every third day, but that's the price we'll have to pay for taking the time now to get ROVER's issues fixed before they become a serious problem!

Because of our accelerated travel plan we won't be blogging at every stop like we usually do. Mainly because there won't be too much to talk about, unless we pass by something interesting on Interstate 29, like that's going to happen. When's the last time you saw something interesting traveling 65MPH down the Interstate?

We will post one more blog just before we cross over the Canadian Border on Tuesday morning, just to let you know we made it that far. After that we will once again go silent for 7-days as we travel northwest across Canada, until we reach the beginning of the historic Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia.

Stay tuned as we travel

ATTENTION: If you just have to know where we are and that we're doing fine I intend to update our location each morning on our 2022 Landings Page. You can SEE where we are by looking at the map on the top of the page and READ where we stayed by checking out the list at the bottom of the page.

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