
Summary of activities:

Fort tours

Pristine beaches


Documentary film

Drawbridge entrance to the interior of the fort (aka the sally port)
Crossfire alley in case of a land based attack
Gun site for crossfire alley
A row of individual firing positions
This simple brake mechanism holds up the draw bridge
A large accidental explosion took out an entire corner of the fort
A closeup of the destruction, bricks were found a mile and a half away!
A ground level cannon used to skip cannon balls across the water at enemy ships
Entryway at the corner of the fort
Lower level cannon bays
Upper and lower arch construction to give the walls strength
Rooftop cannon used to fire upon ships at a distance
Cannon used for demonstration firings
Rifling insert to upgrade the cannon for more accuracy and distance
Davis Bayou boathouse
Davis Bayou
Kayak trail through the bayou
Fallen pine tree in the bayou
An osprey stretching their wings
Boardwalk overlook
Can you see it hiding in the weeds?
How about now?
Sun setting over the bayou


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What a huge difference there is between the Florida or Mississippi version of Gulf Islands National Seashore. In Florida the Seashore consists of barrier islands close to shore that are connected to the mainland by mile long bridges. In Mississippi the Seashore is a collection of bayous on the mainland and a half dozen outer islands located twelve miles from shore.

We decided to visit both to get the full experience. In Florida, there were miles of white sandy, uninhabited beaches, with coastal Civil War forts to explore. In Mississippi, there were murky coastal bayous, filled with birds and fish, with many winding kayak trails. There is a fort here too, but it's located on one of the islands and is only accessible by private boat or NPS ferry boats. We were here a little before the tour boat season starts, so we didn't get to visit the fort.

Both have their own appeal and we were glad to have visited them both.

for more info visit
website link

Until next time

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