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After a relatively short 78-mile drive south of Hocking Hills State Park we found ourselves just 5-miles short of the Kentucky border.

We pulled into the Oak Hill Campground located inside of the Wayne National Forest, the only National Forest in Ohio.

We're here for just two nights before we head further south, through Kentucky and into Virginia, for a short visit to another couple of National Park Service properites.

If we were here later in the season after all the leaves have fallen
we'd have a great birdseye view of Lake Vesuvius far down below.

See that tree looming over the top of ROVER's windshield?
That's another walnut tree, but this one is just about out of ammo for the season.

Halfway through the drive today we stopped at the Walmart in Jackson, OH to fillup with gas and pickup a few needed grocery items.

While in the check-out line we spotted this Special Edition LIFE magazine on the rack, a tribute to Jimmy Buffett's life and legacy.

You know one of those made it's way into our cart, they only had two left. It's 96-pages of nothing but Jimmy, thankfully no centerfold.

I didn't notice until later that it's price was a whopping $14.99, but I'd have still purchased one anyway.

WEDNESDAY - Did everyone get their free FEMA alert on their cell phone at 2:20PM ET today?

Don't they know that's right in the middle of my nap time?

If you didn't get yours, I'll send you a copy of mine, also FREE of charge.

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