YEAR #3 - STOP #48

Nothing out of the ordinary happened during our travels today. It was a quick 110 mile drive south down Interstate 81 through the Shenandoah Valley. We kept seeing signs for the entrances to the Blue Ridge Parkway which was on our left all day long. It was tempting to get off the Interstate and head up to the Parkway but we were in a little bit of a hurry to get to the new campsite. Tricia has work deadlines to meet and needs to get in at least a half day today.

We don't usually do private campgrounds and when we got to our site it became perfectly clear why we tend to steer away from them. Our site is nestled in between two other travel trailers, both larger than ours, with less than 8 feet of clearance on either side. I'm not sure we could even put out our main awning if we wanted to, but then again, neither can our neighboor on the other side.

The view out our side door.

It's a small campground, but they have managed to squeeze in as many campsites as possible to make the park more profitable. At least they offer pull-through sites with full hookups (meaning water/electric/sewer), even free cable TV and free wifi, at a very reasonable rate of just $34.00 a night. We have previously paid more and received less at other private parks.

It's tighter than it looks!

But we're not here to enjoy the campground, we're here to go see another cave and this one happens to be right at the edge of the campground. We will be walking down to the ticket office in the morning, instead of driving for 45 minutes like last time.

SATURDAY - This morning I went down to the ticket office 30 minutes before they opened and found myself second in line to purchase cave tour tickets. They only sell ten tickets per tour and we wanted to be on the first tour so Tricia could get back to work as soon as possible.

The office opened at 10:00AM and the first tour at 11:00AM was sold out to those of us waiting in the parking lot, we were warned about this when we checked in yesterday. With tickets in hand I went back to THE POD to give Tricia the good news.

The campground and cave tour is a small private enterprise, so we went in not expecting much. Just like the campground, the cave tour was just OK. Most cave tours are in the $20 to $25 range, this one was $14, so we were happy that the tour, like the campsite, was priced appropriately.

Throughout the tour there were steep sections of stairways to climb and descend.

There were also long flat passageways on the tour.

There were several shallow reflection pools (maybe an inch or two deep), which are always a favorite of mine. They reflect what is on the ceiling, which could be 100 or more feet away, giving the illusion the water is also that deep.

So ends our 33rd cave tour and our entire reason for stopping at this location.

Next stop Tennessee and more cave tours!



Yesterday was a very windy day here near Roanoake, VA. Windy enough that around 4:30PM the power went out in a three mile area and of course of Dixie Caverns is right in the center of the outage.

I went online and found that they didn't expect to have power restored until 8:00PM the next day, today! That would be well and good except that the over night lows were forecast to be near freezing. With four blankets over us last night we stayed nice and toasty.

We awoke with the temperature inside THE POD at a very chilly 43°F. The campsite we are moving to for the next week also does not have electricity, but not because it's broken, it's in the middle of the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee.

I think tonight we'll be running the furnace and not trying to conserve propane, which we have plenty of.

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