Our Location:
Lafayette Place Campground in Franconia Notch State Park
Franconia, NH

The path to The Basin earlier this morning was just a warm up for the highlight of our day, the Flume Gorge trail. This two mile up and down loop trail has many interesting sights. The trail is not hard to follow, contains many stairs to climb, but is well worth the $16 admission fee. There is a small museum of the gorge's history and a small snack shop in the visitor center at the beginning of the trail.

We arrived here just before the visitor center opened at 8:30AM and were among the first people in the gorge this morning.


The formation known as Table Rock.
The trail as it begins to enter the gorge.
Entering the gorge.
There are interpretive signs all along the self guided trail
Here is where the trail gets narrower...
...and narrower...
...and finally we start climbing out.
Looking back into the gorge.
Here is where the trail gets steeper.
The approach to Avalanche Falls.
Even closer to the falls we had to make sure the camera stayed dry.
We didn't check to see if anyone was home!
A view of Avalanche Falls from the top.
More cascades along the trail.
Here is the Sentinel Pine Bridge.
More cascading waters.
An portion of the trail known as The Wolf Den.
A pool formed by the glaciers some 12,000 years ago.
Looking back at The Sentinel Pine Bridge.
Boulders left behind by the receding glaciers
The Flume Covered Bridge as viewed from above...
...and as seen from below.


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