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WEDNESDAY - After an easy 128-mile trek across the state, on both 2-lane and 4-lane roads like the in the photos below, we arrived at the West Lake Crockett Campground in the Caddo National Grasslands.

This will be our final night in Texas for this year because after tonight we'll cross the border and enter Oklahoma.

Once again, just like last night, we arrived to an empty campground. This campground has pit toilets like last night, but here there is a dumpster for trash and potable water spigots scattered around the campsites.

It's the same price ($10 per night/$5 w/SR PASS) as yesterday, but this campground is for camping whereas yesterday it was a trailhead for equestrian riders.

There is also a view of the lake and all the wildlife that attracts. We like this one much better.

There are 11 campsites around a very small loop.

We selected the only one that would allow us to remain hitched overnight.

As you can see it has everything you would expect from a campsite.

Along with a view of the lake from our rear windows.

Some of the shorter sites had better views than our does.

There's even a little bay off the main lake with a few coots foraging around.

On the opposite shoreline is the day use area and boat ramp for the lake.


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