
Before we even exited the park Tricia snapped this wonderful photo of the mountains and their reflection in the dead calm waters of Great Salt Lake.

Today's drive took us about 140-miles south on Interstate 15, which had us passing through the heart of Salt Lake City and Provo, UT. While negotiating the 6-lanes of southbound traffic through Salt Lake City I was happy for the fact that we weren't headed northbound, because their 6-lanes of traffic were at a standstill.

Man how I don't miss big city driving! We usually try to detour around big cities, but here in Utah there just aren't that many highways to chose from.

In some places the mountains were covered in snow all the way to the valley floor.
Even the roofs of the homes were covered in snow.

Other places the snow stopped half way down the mountain and the roofs were clear of snow.

That black area in the middle of the photo, those are all solar panels.
That's lots and lots and lots of solar panels!

It wasn't long before we were turning off of I-15 and heading down a County Road that would take us the final 5-miles to Yuba State Park's Oasis Campground and our campsite for tonight.

Once we were all set up and had paid for our campsite we drove around to check out the park. Behind the Campground Office we found an informational sign that explained how the park got it's name. I hope when you look at the photo full size you'll be able to read what it says!

The view of Yuba Lake from our campsite.

Yuba Lake is 22-miles long and nearly all of it's shoreline is public property. Whether it's maintained by Yuba State Park or it's part of the Yuba Lake Recreation Area, which is administered by the Bureau of Land Management, it's here for the public's enjoyment.

Also here is an abundant amount of mule deer and they apparently like to frequent the nearly empty campground just like we do.

We've seen as many as a dozen at one time here in the campground.

Sunset over Yuba Lake and the mountains of the nearby Manti-La Sal National Forest.

TUESDAY - We can't decide whether we liked yesterday's sunset or this morning's sunrise better.

Let me here from everybody, "Are you a sunrise or sunset kind of person?"

Sunrise over Yuba Lake and the snow dusted mountains.

The outside temperature was 30°F this morning at sunrise.

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