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THURSDAY - Today we have a relatively short travel day planned, just 90+ miles east to Twin Falls, ID.
Our travels began the same way they ended three days ago with about 25-miles of backcountry roads before we found ourselves back on I-84 East.
I'd bet some of those green fields ahead of us are potatoes!
It's been 5-months since the last time we gave them both a bath and it's beginning to show. 😎
I'd say it's well past time to get all that Alaskan and Canadian dirt and grime removed.
After receiving our much needed wash we headed back over the Snake River Canyon into the downtown area of Twin Falls and our next campsite.
is the eighth highest bridge in the United States.
FRIDAY - First thing we did this morning was go purchase fuel for ROVER before I forget and we run out while running around sightseeing today.
Next thing we did was purchase fuel for the TWO PEAS for the exact same reason. We found a little diner on Google Maps called Abracadabra's Breakfast & Bistro and decided to give it a try. We were not dissapointed!
It's a local chain with just three locations and they are all located in Southern Idaho. Don't get me wrong, I love my Waffle Houses, but these guys could put them out of business.
With everybody fueled up we had one more task to take care of before we could start our sightseeing today. A few days again I placed our first Amazon order in the last five months. The main reason for the order was to purchase a product called Happy Camper. It goes down the toilet and keeps everything flowing and smelling like it should, which is no smell at all! We were running dangerously low.
We also ordered a few more smaller items, but we needed to drive to the next town down the Interstate to pick them up at an Amazon Locker outside of a grocery store. They will only hold it there in the locker for 3-days and today was already Day #2, so I wanted to get that out of the way.
With a town name like Twin Falls, you'd think they had the most wonderful waterfall in the area, but they don't. Just outside of town is Shoshone Falls and it ranks in everyone's Top Ten Waterfalls in the United States.
Now keep in mind that for most waterfalls Spring is the prime season for viewing, after the winter snow starts to melt. That's true here at Shoshone Falls too, but we were still impressed with what we saw here today, just after the end of Summer, probably the worst time to visit a waterfall.
I'm going to upload a couple of low resolution videos you can watch on your cell phones just fine, but if you're reading the blog on a larger device I encourage you to watch the full resolution videos on our YouTube Channel by clicking on the links provided.

It was different in the fact that this waterfall is viewed from below and not from above like Shoshone Falls. It has one other interesting feature and that is if you hike the 2-mile out-and-back trail you can walk behind the waterfall. Even that feature didn't inspire us.
Especially when you consider the fact that the highest natural elevation
in the entire State of Florida is only 345' and that's on the Alabama border.
and his failed attempt to jump across the Snake River Canyon back in September of 1974.
Maybe Twin Falls, ID is trying to maintain that whole "daredevil vibe" that Evel Knievel brought to this area back in 1974, because the Perrine Bridge is one of only two places in the entire United States where it is legal to partake in the extreme sport of "BASE jumping".
The word BASE is an acronym for the four categories of jumping:
B = Buildings • A = Antenna (ie radio masts) • S = Spans (ie bridges) • E = Earth (ie cliffs)
As of 2022 the festival is still being held and BASE jumping is still going on so we can only hope nothing changes. Strictly by coincidence the Bridge Day Festival is held every year on the third Saturday in October, that's tomorrow!
Not every BASE jumper in the United States was able to attend the festival in West Virginia this year. Want to know how I know? Because we had at least six of them right here in Twin Falls, ID this afternoon jumping off the Perrine Bridge.

SATURDAY - It's going to be hard to top yesterday's sightseeing adventures, but we're going to give our best effort today!
We plan to visit our 17th National Monument today, along with a State Park that now encompasses what used to be six separate state run facilities.
One thing that struck me as nearly unique is the fact that a State Park and a National Park property have somehow managed to agree to share a Visitor Center. There are only a few instances in the United States where this has happened. The State of Idaho built the facility and shares the building through a 25-year lease with the National Park Service. A win-win for both agencies if you ask me.
The new Visitor Center was just opened in May of 2022 and is still a work in progress. There currently is no auditorium to display their documentary film explaining the significance of the Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument site.
I'll include a here if you would like to view the movie like we did.
We did take time to visit 4 of the 6 units that are now part of the Thousand Springs State Park.
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just doesn't do it justice, no matter how well composed it is.
So for that reason I'm including a few very short videos
of some of the locations seen in the slideshow. ENJOY!
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