
With just a 53-mile drive today it wasn't long before we found ourselves at the entrance gate to Antelope Island State Park, which in located inside of the Great Salt Lake just north of Salt Lake City, UT.

I was happy to learn that the $15 daily Entrance Fee is already included in the $40 daily Camping Fee we already paid. I was a little concerned about that. At $40 a night it's already double what we budget to spend for a nightly fee.

After receiving our hang-tag style permit to display on ROVER's rear view mirror we proceeded to drive cross a 5½-mile long causeway just to reach the island. The funny thing is, it's no longer an island at all! There is not enough water in the Great Salt Lake to truly make Antelope Island an island. The southern end tends to remain dry when low water levels are present and creates land bridges over a large area. This condition has existed since the early 1980s.

We are on final approach to the island now after making a dogleg left turn at the halfway point.

We went straight to the campsite and unhitched ROVER from THE POD. All the campsites in the Bridger Bay Campground have a bird's eye view of the Great Salt Lake, even if it's from quite a distance away.

The lower loop of the campground (Sites #1-26) have no hook ups, but the new upper loop (Sites #27-64) have both water and electric, which is where we are located.

Sites in the campground are well spaced apart, but no privacy between sites.

Our Site #58 with a shade pavillion, fire ring and fairly level paved driveway.

Our rear dinette view of the Great Salt Lake.

The next order of business was to check out the Island Buffalo Grill, located near "the beach" here inside the park. Nothing too fancy offered here, mostly burgers, dogs, french fries and onion rings, but it all tasted good on fresh buns and was well prepared.

With full tummies we headed up to the top of a hill where the Visitor Center is located. From that vantage point you can see 360° around the park, including the causeway leading onto Antelope Island.

The weather here on Antelope Island, and all of the western United States for that matter, is forecast to take a turn for the worse tonight. Low temperatures paired with high winds will begin late tonight and continue all day on Saturday. For that reason we decided to push ourselves and get some sightseeing done today and not put it off until tommorrow after a good nights sleep as we usually do on moving day.

Antelope Island is 17-miles long, north to south, and has a scenic drive all along most of the eastern shoreline. This is where we got a look at several large groups of bison that are located here on the island.

Looking away from the island towards the city of Syracuse, UT

Looking into the center of the island where the mountain peaks are.

Once the water in the lake dries up it leaves the salt behind.

No wonder ROVER was chugging a little extra to transport us up here.

Shortly after descending back to the shoreline drive we spotted a large bison very close to the roadway up ahead of us. As I slowed down for Tricia to take a photo she reached up to open our sunroof so she could stand up in the passenger seat and take photos from the safety of inside the truck.

That's when we heard an unfamiliar sound, not the normal sound of the sunroof opening. The sunroof only opened about an inch and then came to a grinding halt. It wouldn't open any further, and worse yet, it wouldn't close either. After several more failed attempts to get the sunroof to close I got on the phone and called the nearest Ford Dealership which happens to be about 30-minutes away.

The Service Department employee who answered the phone said he could have someone take a quick look at it if I could get it there soon, it was already 3:30PM and they close at 5:00PM. I assured him I would be there before 4:00PM.

When I arrived and found the person I spoke to on the phone he immediately took ROVER into the service bay and asked me to follow him to his desk to "get the paperwork done". When he asked me for my phone number I started with (954) and he looked up and said, "That's Broward County!" I said, "How could you possibly know that?" He said, "Until COVID arrived he lived in Miami Dade's (305) area code.

Here I am in Syracuse, UT and 2500-miles from home in Coconut Creek, FL and cross paths with someone I could have dealt with if I'd have taken my Ford to a dealership in Miami. What a small world!

They weren't able to "fix" the sunroof today, parts would need to be ordered, but they were able to get the sunroof tightly closed so that when it begins to rain later tonight I won't have anything to worry about.

When we arrived back in the park it was too late to continue sightseeing, besides we were both a little bit stressed out and had already spent a long day in the truck.

We returned to THE POD and prepared for the weather changes that were coming by putting in the awnings and lowering both our antennas to just above the roof line. We're as ready as we can be for the winds to begin!

SATURDAY - For once the weather forecast was dead on! By midnight the winds were picking up and the temperatures remained around 60°F.

By the time we woke at 7:00AM we had already had several wind gusts over 45MPH and the temperatures have been dropping, instead of rising, since the sun came up.

At around 9:00AM we had a little break in the rain patterns and decided to go finish up our scenic drive that got cut short yesterday afternoon.

We really didn't need to leave the campground to see bison though. They were kind enough to come visit within view from our campsite.

These two bison seemed unphased by the automobiles and people moving about.

What a handsome devil this guy is!

YES, Tricia has her Halloween decorations stuck up all over THE POD's windows.

As you can see by the weather station at the top of the photo the current wind speed at 3:19PM is 28MPH (the big blue number in the center of the display). The two smaller blue numbers above that tell me the highest windspeed in the past hour was 48MPH (left one) and the other tells me the highest windspeed in the previous 24 hours was also 48MPH (right one).

Anyway you look at it, when you couple 48MPH winds with 46°F temperatures (big orange number at top right) it makes for a pretty unpleasant day outdoors.

We spent the rest of the day inside THE POD with our space heaters running which kept the indoor temperature at an almost comfortable 62°F (little red number on bottom right).

That was until 6:33PM when the western skies looked like they were on fire. It only lasted for about three minutes, but Tricia was quick to burst outside and take several photos of the magnificent light show going on.

Sunset over Bridger Bay of the Great Salt Lake.

If that wasn't enough to tickle your fancy, just look what was going on in the eastern skies at precisely the same moment. Again it only lasted for about three minutes, but instead of just orange and red, this side had all the colors of the rainbow.

It was actually a "full double" rainbow, but it didn't show up in the photos?

My guess is that 🍀 Pot o' Gold 🍀 is waiting for us about ¼-mile south of the Visitor Center.
Come on, let's go grab it before someone else does!

SUNDAY - As we sometimes do the day before we move to a new campsite, we get up a little late and go into town for breakfast and to fill up with gasoline.

I'm so glad we did that this morning or we might have left Antelope Island without ever seeing actual antelope!

The first thing we noticed after exiting THE POD and climbing into ROVER is that all of the mountains that are surrounding the island have now got snow covered peaks this morning, there wasn't any snow there yesterday!

No snow on the ground, but the mountain peaks are all covered.

That's more than just a light dusting of snow we see up there.

Just after exiting the campground I saw movement up on a ridge far out in front of us. We stopped and waited, then three antelope came bounding down the hill. They were the first, and only, antelope we've seen while visiting here.

It's like they were running in zig-zag patterns to keep from being "shot" on video!

After breakfast and filling up with gas we returned to the park and spotted a large herd of bison very near the roadway. Several vehicles have already pulled over to snap photos, I hope they don't scatter before we get there.

This turns out to be a large family herd of bulls, cows and calves.
We've only seen bull (male) bison up in the campground.

This large bull seems to be looking right into Tricia's camera and relaying the message:
"I see you, stay right where you are if you don't want 2000 pounds of trouble.

This caption should read, "Hold still, I'm trying to get a drink here!"
Or, maybe it should read, "Hurry up, there's people watching us!"

There is always action in the campground!

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