STOP #192

Today we had a very leisurely drive, mostly on the four lane rural Highway 19/98 in northern Florida. We passed through a few smaller towns with a couple of stop lights and eventually began traveling on a few of the smaller Highways 267, 20 and 12.

Everything was fine until we got to within two miles of our destination and we turned off of the nice paved roads and began traveling down a very bumpy pot-holed road called Forest Road 105. The road was so bad we decided not to venture back down it until it was time to leave three days later. That means we will need to fill up with gasoline while towing THE POD on Thursday when we leave, something I usually try to avoid.

Campsite #4 at Camel Lake Campground in the Apalachicola National Forest

WEDNESDAY - After two days of doing nothing but hanging around the campsite, we decided at 9:00AM this morning that we had the pefect weather window to go for a short hike. There were partly cloudy skies, temperatures were in the low 70s and a nice 5-6mph breeze was coming across Camel Lake.

There is a 1.25 mile hiking trail that winds it's way around the perimiter of Camel Lake. Most of the trail is about 20-30 yards inland from the shoreline of the lake, except when it passes by the day use/swimming area of the park and the canoe/kayak launch area.

We took a leisurely 45 minutes to stroll around the lake and campground before once again climbing back into THE POD.

The end of the trail just happens to be at the back of our campsite.

There are only ten campsites in this campground and only four of those have electricity. Since we made this reservation six months ago, we were able to secure one of the four electric campsites. That means we've been able to run our A/C since arriving here because the afternoon highs have been in the upper 80's and the overnight lows in the upper 60s. Still just a little too warm for our comfort zone, we would prefer it to be about 10 degrees cooler.

This will be our last stop in Florida until we return in December
because we're planning to visit seven new states in the midwest before then!

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