YEAR #3 - STOP #59

For the last two weeks we have been visiting with our fellow Airstreamers here at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park.

This was going to be our second "Canopener Rally" but offically it was cancelled back in August. Unoffically about 75 other Airstreams are here at the park (last year there were 125), but there are no sanctioned activities where we will all be at the same place at the same time. Instead we are being cautious and just getting to know our immediate neighbors here at the park.

We have had a couple of pot luck dinners (with less than 10 guests) at our neighbors site and adopted a couple of Austrailians who bought an SUV and a pop-up trailer to explore the United States until they can return home.

Tricia has been working nearly every day trying to finish up her year end reports and I thought I would try and sell our seldom used bicycles by advertising them on the Canopener Rally's Facebook Page. By the way, they sold in less than ten minutes! Now we have a lot of unused space in the back seat of ROVER.

We hope everyone had a Happy New Year and that 2021 turns out to be a good year for all!

Our rear view from Campsite #27 here at Topsail Hill Preserve State Park

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