The big night has finally arrived. Everything came together right around 6:00PM with relatives showing up with fresh salad and creamy clam chowder. At 6:15PM Tricia's cousin Jeff darted out to the nearby BJ's Wholesale Club to pick up nine fresh-steamed 3-pound lobsters, one for each of us.

Tricia preparing my lobster for me. I had no idea how to do it.

Nate had no trouble getting to that lobster meat. He grew up in Maine after all.

There were also my favorites, fresh corn on the cob, homemade garlic bread and homemade potato salad.

For those that wanted to upgrade their meal to a Surf and Turf platter there was some perfectly prepared steak from the BBQ grill. I also saw a pitcher of Margarita Cocktail Mix and another with Iced Tea being passed around the tables.

We all tried to save a little room for desert, because there were a pair of fresh baked Blueberry and Key Lime Pies to be sampled.

This makes three Thanksgiving Day type feasts we've been treated to since arriving here just seven days ago. I'm afraid Tricia and I both going to need some new (i.e. bigger) clothes before this visit is over.

WEDNESDAY - Time sure flew by these last two weeks. All of Tricia's relatives we had planned to visit while here were squeezed into the last three days we were here.

Her stepfather, an aunt and uncle, two great aunts who are 93 and 87 years old and still living on their own, and a pair of first cousins and a second cousin from the aunt and uncle we are staying with.

There, I don't think I missed anyone we saw on this visit anyway?

Our home for the last two weeks.

I also took care of a couple of very important tasks while we were on the Cape.

I got the passenger-side rear tire on ROVER switched out with our never-used full-sized spare-tire so we can hopefully prolong buying a new set of tires until early next year. I'm thinking of buying something a little taller and a little more off-road capable for when we make our trip on the harsh roads of Alaska.

I also was able to renew my prescription medications so I have an adequate supply to last me until the end of the year.

Stay tuned as we start our slow push south by southwest. I'll give you a tiny hint of what's to come, there will be a lot more cave tours, a waterfall, a couple famous homes and hopefully some vibrant fall colors.

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