YEAR #3 - STOP #35

Today we experienced a rare Friday travel day, usually we travel on Monday or Thursday. I guess that's why you never say never! With five hours to kill between check-out and check-in times today and only 133 miles between destinations we decided to take the scenic route.

We traveled due south from Brattleboro, NH though the western forests of Massachusetts, all the way down to Springfield, MA. We then traveled west by northwest up to Albany, the capitol city of New York state. Even trying to stretch out our trip we arrived two hours before check-in time, but had no trouble checking in early. Thank you New York State Parks!

We were informed upon check-in that the local volunteer fire department of Schodack Landing would be hosting a fund raiser under the riverside pavilion starting at 5:00PM. The State Park was also supporting their efforts by waving the $6 park entrance fee for anyone attending the fund raiser. They were serving up Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Fish Sandwiches, Sausage and Peppers Hoagies, Meatball Subs, French Fries, Fried Dough and my favorite, homemade Cream Puffs.

We are always happy for the opportunity to support the local communities we visit. It's an added bonus when we don't have to worry about what's for dinner when arriving late afternoon on a travel day.

Our current location is just twelve miles south of Albany and directly on the Hudson River. If you were to take a 160 mile long kayak trip due south from here, you would pass right in front of the Statue of Liberty. Not that I would recommend doing that, the Hudson River is well traveled by large ships and the water is not all that appealing to be near.

View of the kayak launch on Schodack Creek which merges with the Hudson River just south of the State Park

View of the Hudson River from Schodack Island State Park

SUNDAY - Tonight at 9:00PM we did something we haven't done in quite a while as we lay in bed! I know what you're thinking, get your minds out of the gutter people, we got up, closed all the windows and turned on the air conditioning in THE POD.

While reading my book in bed I was sweating profusely. It was still in the mid-80°Fs outdoors and at an elevation of just 15 feet, with absolutely no breeze, there was no way our roof top exhaust fans were going to cool things off anytime soon. We are paying for electricity here, why not use it? In less that ten minutes I was pulling the sheet over me in 72°F temps to stay comfortable.

The next two days are forecast to be even warmer, so I guess we will be living in the air conditioned comfort for a while. We try not to use the air conditioner too often, preferring to leave the windows open so we can listen to and smell the nature all around us.

Our luscious campsite here at Schodack Island State Park

Plenty of room to stretch out here

TUESDAY - We are expecting company today! During our second visit to Winhall Brook Campground in Vermont last month we met a nice couple, Harry and Laureen, who were camping right next to us. They invited us over to their patio for conversation, always maintaining our social distancing of course, and we had the customary RVer discussion. You know, Where have you been? and Where are you going?, those kinds of things, plus so much more.

We mentioned our reservation dates for Schodack Island State Park and they said it was on their list of favorite places to visit. We made tentative plans to meet up again, exchanged email address and were pleased to find out they made a 3-night (Tuesday through Friday) reservation that overlapped our 6-night (Friday through Thursday) reservation. Even though they won't be camped right next to us this time, I'm sure we'll get together several times during our 2-day overlap.

WEDNESDAY - Last night, just after dinnertime, we made it over to Harry and Laureen's campsite and sat around sharing stories for several hours. By 9:00PM the temperature (mid-80°F), humidity (also mid-80%) and the insects became just too much to handle, so we said our good-nights and retreated back to the safety and air conditioned comfort of THE POD.

Harry and Laureen with their two pugs, Smalls and Clarice

Harry dropped by after lunch to say hello while he was out walking around the campground. We spent a few minutes chatting and making plans to meetup again tonight after dinner. We'll have to cut our time together a little short tonight because tomorrow we are moving over to Connecticut and there is a 10:00AM check-out time here. There are several things we like to take care of the night before travel day, like dirty dishes, putting away the BBQ and bringing in our outdoor chairs.

In the morning, after breakfast and posting this blog, we'll be doing things like stowing away the cell booster and weather station antennas. Then we'll be putting away the laptops, clearing the table and countertops, then securing the cabinet doors.

The next chores are closing all the windows (all ready done when the A/C is on) and lowering all the blinds, close all three awnings, disconnect the water hose and electrical cord. Then it's time to turn on the inverter, open and turn on both ceiling fans, make sure the refrigerator is properly running off the batteries (not the propane), turn off the water pump and then double check everything!

Now it's just a matter of hooking THE POD up to ROVER, stowing the leveling blocks and stabilizer jack pads, check that the trailer lights and backup camera are working, manually pull the mirrors out to the towing position (wish I had gotten the automatic electric ones), get the GPS plugged in and locate our programmed route for the day. Also we turn on the TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) and make sure all eight tires are ready for the road.

And then we are finally off to hit the road, all the way to the dump station, where we have to empty our two waste tanks and fill the fresh water tank. This is where we take one last look at everything before actually getting on the highway.

We do all of this as often as every three or four days! But it's the small price we pay to be able to live this nomadic lifestyle.

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