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YEAR #3 - STOP #16

For several weeks now we've been dealing with a slow leak in ROVER's left rear tire. Each time before we move THE POD to a new campsite I have to inflate the tire with five to ten pounds of air. The culprit is a screw located in the outer most row of tread. Well after arriving today we took ROVER to a Ford Dealership located 20-miles away and had them order a new tire.

When we purchased ROVER in March of 2018 we also purchased a 7-year Road Hazard Policy on the wheels and tires. Twice now we have received a brand new tire for no additional cost which puts us well ahead of the cost of the policy. Tomorrow our new tire will be installed and we'll no longer have to worry about adding air each time we get ready to move down the road.

FRIDAY - Texas is #1 in crude oil production in the United States and it's not even a close contest. With triple the production of the 2nd place state of North Dakota, and out producing all of the rest of the top 10 states added together, Texas's position at the top of the list is not likely to change anytime soon.

I know what some of you are thinking, just like I was, what about Alaska? Actually Alaska is 6th on the list for crude oil production. It doesn't mean there is more crude oil under Texas than what's under Alaska, just that more of it is currently being produced in Texas.

You may all be wondering why I'm currently discussing crude oil production in Texas, other than the fact that's where we are currently located. Wichita Falls in right in the middle of the oil field known as the Fort Worth Basin. We passed hundreds of pumpjacks, some operational and some not, on our way here yesterday.

What is a pumpjack? Here is a picture of one we took this morning just fifty yards from our campsite. It's located just across the street from the bathrooms and showers here.

One of nearly 200,000 located in Texas

While this one is not currently producing crude oil it is operational. I believe it is being used to pressurize an oil deposit nearly one mile directly below the surface. With the added air pressure it creates it makes it easier to raise the oil at other pumpjacks located somewhere in the near vicinity.

Quite a few of the campground reviews we read before coming here complained about the noise that this pump creates 24/7/365 and how difficult it was to get a good nights sleep. We hardly noticed the sound and it definitely didn't keep us awake. Maybe it would have been a different story if we were sleeping in a tent!

TUESDAY - Today is our last day at this park. Tomorrow we move 250+ miles north/northwest to just outside of Amarillo, TX. With the whole shelter-in-place order in effect in the current county we're in we haven't left the campground since Friday when we got the tire repaired.

I've called ahead to the next campground we're heading to and made sure they are open. I was told that they are not accepting any new camping reservations but all current reservations are being honored "at this time". Thank goodness we made reservations five months ago.

Here are a few photos of our current campsite. We pretty much have the place to ourselves.

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