Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Gatlinburg, TN

By my previous definition this is a hike! It's 1.4 miles up to the waterfall with an elevation change of 585 feet. It still falls into the easy category for most hikers, but it's definitely at the top end of the easy scale. Like I said in the previous post, any walking on natural and uneven ground automatically qualifies it for hiking status in my book. There is one cool and unique thing about this waterfall compared to all the other falls in the Great Smoky Mountains, but you'll have to watch the slideshow to find out what that is.

To access the trailhead you'll need to travel on The Roaring Fork Motor Trail just outside of Gatlinburg, TN. It's a 5.5 mile one way road with a 10MPH speed limit, believe me you wouldn't want to travel any faster than that with all the ups and downs, winding curves and narrow bridges. Even if you are not in the mood for a hike, the motor trail alone is worth a visit, and it's free.

Well enough chit chat, here come the pictures!


The trail starts out fairly level with manageable terrain...
...but that quickly changes!
Our first glimpse of Grotto Falls from the trail below
Part of the cascading water below the falls
The top of Grotto Falls
More of those rock cairns we see everywhere
A closer look!
Grotto Falls in all it's beauty!
The cool and unique thing about this waterfall is you can walk behind it!
Your view once you're on the other side
Yours truly trying not to get wet, it's cold out today!
On the hike back down the sun finally appears through the trees


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Until next time

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