We need to dump our tanks on the way out and fell in line with three other campers doing the same. That also worked to our advantage because we have a 4-hour window between check-out here and check-in at our next campsite which is only two hours away.
It just so happened the trailer in front of us had a huge back window and Tricia thought it was cool that we could see ROVER and THE POD in it's reflection.
We traveled past several smaller lakes on today's route, but Leech Lake was by far the largest, and creates the southwest boundry of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation.
It had some beautiful red trees along it's shoreline, but I'm not sure what kind of tree they are? I'm guessing they're probably Red Maples, but does anybody know for sure?
On a recent travel day we had to deal with getting by a huge piece of farm equipment slowly moving down the road. Well today it's a little bit different! Today we got held up by a large cabin cruiser on the highway.
I hope that white pickup truck moves out of the way or we're going to be sitting still for a while. I also hope that transport driver saw the road closed sign before he committed to the turn.
With no other mishaps on the road we arrived at Itasca State Park, established in 1891 it's Minnesota's oldest state park and today covers over 32,000 acres.
We'll be spending the Memorial Day Weekend here, along with all the local families who camp here all the time. Itasca is one of Minnesota's busiest state parks year round.
SATURDAY - Having had a full day of rain yesterday, today we're going to get out and see something of this park other than just our campsite.
Itasca State Park can make a claim that nowhere else on earth can, because the headwaters of the 2340-mile long Mississippi River is found right here in this park.









just 100-miles downriver outside of Grand Rapids, MN.

For most of the 10-miles the Scenic Drive is a 1-way road with a bike lane, so once you start the drive you're commited to finishing it.
You may have noticed at the bottom of this map there is a location tagged as the "Start of the Mississippi River". I'm not sure what the distinction between "start" and "headwaters" is, but I'm not hiking 3.8-miles from the roadway to just see where the "start" of the Mississippi River is.



Nicollet Lake is designated as the "Start of the MIssissippi River" on Google Maps.











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