THURSDAY - We have only a short 66-mile commute today between campsites, but the scenery was spectacular.
The following two photos were taken while we were still inside of Big Bend Ranch State Park and heading towards Big Bend National Park next door.
In February, two years ago, we spent two weeks in Big Bend National Park with 6-nights spent at Rio Grande Village Campground on the east side of the park followed by 8-nights at Cottonwood Campground on the west side of the park.
This time we're entering the park from the west side, so our first 4-nights will be at Cottonwood Campground where we intend to repeat the Santa Elena Canyon hike we did last time.
Just like two years ago they were pumping water out of the nearby Rio Grande River
and irrigating the grassy area behind the campsites.
This time we're in Campsite #5, two years ago we were two sites away in Campsite #9.
SATURDAY - We didn't get as early of a start as we planned, but we did get out and hike the 1.6-mile Santa Elena Canyon Trail this morning.
The outside temperatures were 48°F when we woke this morning at 7:30AM, but had only risen to 51°F by 8:30AM when we originally planned to leave.
By 9:00AM it was 55°F and we headed out, because later this afternoon the temperatures are forecast to be approaching 90°F. Welcome to the desert!
The Santa Elena Canyon Trailhead is only 8-miles west of the Cottonwood Campground. Along the road we passed this burro just munching away on the grasses at the very edge of the road. We looked deeper into the brush and saw two more doing the same thing.
About 1-mile before you reach the trailhead at the end of the road there is a pullout where you get this excellent view of the Santa Elena Canyon entrance.
When we arrived at the trailhead there were already about a dozen other cars and trucks in the parking lot. That meant we would be crossing paths with people coming out as we are still heading in. There are a few blind corners where there isn't room to safely pass someone, but you can usually hear them coming from a distance.
Especially if someone is yelling out ECHO or WOO HOO around the corner, and that's the adults, the children are usually a little more difficult to entertain.
It was 9:45AM and 60°F when we finally started down the trail.
Right away I was out in front while Tricia stopped to take some photos.
50-yards up the dry creek bed is where the trail starts to get challenging.
Then you backtrack the same 50-yards up on the cliff face.
That's where we encounter a very friendly roadrunner on the trail.
Turns out there was a pair of them leading us down the trail.
There's no zoom on this photo, it's taken from less than 2-feet away.
Now starts the FUN part, nowhere to go but UP!
Out in the full sun the ocotillo are in full bloom.
When entering the canyon the breeze picks up a little bit.
Those crumbled rocky areas on the right is where we saw dozens of mountain goats
two years ago, but we didn't see any this time around.
The bright red blooms against the deep blue sky was amazing.
Still gaining altitude but I think I see the top of the trail just up ahead.
Zoomed in at 10X we can see some cows on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River.
More ocotillo blooms, it's why we're here a month later this time around.
I'm way out in front now, Tricia must be taking A LOT of photos.
I found a good place to wait. It's where the trail starts being shaded by the canyon walls.
Everything from here forward will be in the shade.
In the shade the ocotillo haven't bloomed yet.
Back down closer to the river we start seeing more foilage along the trail.
Lots of reeds and bamboo are found on the river banks.
Mexico on the left and the United States on the right.
The end of the trail, unless you're prepared to go swimming.
We spent about ten minutes enjoying the end of the trail before heading back.
As we turn to head back the trail starts heading up.
It doesn't look that far, but we're still a half mile from the start.
Doesn't look like the cows have moved an inch.
Some people just come look at the water and leave, they don't know what they're missing.
It's a lot easier going down than coming up.
This concludes our hike of Santa Elena Canyon.
Looks like the cows are getting ready to move on also.
For some reason I don't remember the trail being as difficult two years ago. I know it's the same trail! Maybe it's the fact I'm two years older, 15-lbs. heavier and the temperature is 10°F warmer this time around. It was 80°F when we returned to ROVER at 11:45AM, a full two hours after we started. By dinnertime, it would be in the low 90°Fs!
Now that the hiking is complete, it's time to go check out the little store at the Castalon Visitor Center just a mile passed the campground.
If I'm remembering correctly from 2-years ago they sell ice cream there!
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