YEAR #3 - STOP #55

While we were breaking down camp this morning to move to our next site we had to deal with on-again-off-again snow flurries. It's not a first for us, but it's definitely not what we strive for.

After driving 1000 feet down the mountain we had no more snow, but we did encounter a little bit of rain drizzle during our short 50 mile move. Just enough to require the use of our windshield wipers on the lowest intermittent setting.

Wouldn't you know it, when we got near our next campsite we once again spent the last couple of miles driving straight up another mountain. Unlike this morning's snow, this time the snow would actually stick to the truck and trailer and not instantly melt, unlike what made it's way to the ground.

We are in for a cold visit here in Northern Alabama during the next three days. Maybe we will even set a new all-time record low for our travels. Our current record is just 23°F, brrrrrrrrr!!

Campsite 73 at DeSoto State Park in Alabama

TUESDAY - We didn't set any new records last night, but it was close.

We awoke this morning to see that our weather station we had recorded an overnight low of just 24°F, one degree shy of our 23°F record set a year ago while visiting Louisiana. We still have two more nights here and the forecast is for even lower temperatures to come.

This is a video looking out THE POD's door just before sunset yesterday.

And this is a photo of what we saw at sunrise this morning.
Only our fourth day of snow since we started RVing.

Not exactly a blizzard, but I do believe this would qualify as a light dusting of snow.

WEDNESDAY - Just as we anticipated, last night we recorded a new overnight "low temperature", just 22°F.

We also tied the record for the "lowest high temperature" yesterday, not once did it get above 40°F, heck it was noon before it got above 32°F.

We can't let a little snow and freezing temperatures keep us from enjoying this park. Let's go see some waterfalls!

Let's start out with an easy one. The Azalea Cascade is not really a waterfall but beautiful none the less. It is located at the end of a short boardwalk that runs behind the Country Store and Nature Center where you check in for the campground.

Azalea Cascade as seen from the boardwalk.

The next two waterfalls are found along a 2.5 mile loop trail you can access just 3 campsites down from our site. First is Laurel Falls (which is on a short spur trail) only .25 mile from our campsite.

Laurel Falls with a recently downed tree blocking most of the view.

Next up is Lost Falls, which is only another 2/3 of a mile down the trail. At this point we turned around and backtracked to the campsite for a late lunch.

Lost Falls, notice the huge icicles in the right foreground?

The final waterfall, DeSoto Falls, is a seven mile drive to the other end of the state park from where the campground is located. Here we found a man-made dam that we read was the first hydro-electric dam in the state of Alabama. Immediately down river from the dam is the first of two falls that make up DeSoto Falls. The first plunge looked to be about 15-20 feet and the second plunge was closer to 80 feet.

The decommissioned man-made hydoelectric dam at DeSoto Falls.

The first of two waterfall plunges.

DeSoto Falls from top to bottom.

There were several homes just on the edge of the cliff overlooking DeSoto Falls. We wondered what it would be like to have breakfast on your back deck every morning with that view?

Well that's enough waterfalls for this year!
I think we will go back underground next!

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