YEAR #3 - STOP #6

"The Lone Star State"
is our 28th visited state


The official state dessert is pecan pie, surely because the state is so rich in pecan trees (it’s third in the nation for its pecan harvest). Ooey, gooey and delicious,
Lady Bird Johnson brought a recipe for this favorite Texas treat
along to the White House when she became first lady.

Today's travels brought us into our first "new to us" state in months, Texas. Entering Texas from the east using Insterstate-10 did not give us a good first impression. The first 10 miles of road is horrible, absolutely the worst we've seen anywhere.

Granted there were work crews present along the highway, but as usual nothing seemed to be getting accomplished. There were ruts and potholes nearly half a foot deep. Even though the speed limit was 65MPH I had trouble keeping ROVER in his lane at 45MPH. With barricades along both shoulders it didn't leave much room for error.

After about ten miles the road improved to passable, then once on the other side of the large city of Beaumont it got even better. That's when I saw two Exxon Stations selling gasoline just off the highway for $1.88 and I understood about the poor roads. They're not charging enough tax on gasoline to maintain the roads here! Texas has the lowest average gas price in the country today at $2.12 a gallon for regular. Oklahoma is second (where we are going next) at $2.13 and Louisiana is third at $2.14 (where we just left).

In case any of you back home in Florida were wondering, you're in 23rd place (right near the middle) at $2.38 per gallon for regular. Just be glad you don't live in California ($3.55) or Hawaii ($3.61) and they're the only two states priced over $3.12 per gallon. Bet they have great roadways there, yeah right, I don't think so!

I guess we should just enjoy the low prices while we can!

SATURDAY - Yesterday while I was out geocaching I got a glimpse of what the Creekfield Lake Trail here in the park had to offer. So today Tricia and I got up early and even before breakfast we walked the half mile trail.

There were all kinds of bird sounds surrounding us, from American Coots to Moorhens. We even saw a few Wood Ducks, Snowy Egrets and Great Blue Herons. There was really a lot so see, and hear, for such a short walk.

Here are a few short videos
of our sightings this morning.

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