YEAR #3 - STOP #10

For the first time in nearly a year we are camping at the overnight rate of FREE. Sure we had 4 nights in and Airstream dealership parking lot for free and we were fortunate enough to spend 7 nights in Tricia's mother's driveway last Memorial Day for free.

But this is camping, on the Gulf of Mexico shoreline, for FREE. We even have bathrooms with flushing toilets and garbage cans at this location. Did I mention it's all for FREE?

TUESDAY - Today while Tricia does her work thing I'm heading into the town of Port Lavaca, TX to gas up the truck and pickup some groceries. If all goes according to plan our new friends John and Katherine will be joining us here on Magnolia Beach tomorrow afternoon.

Since they were so kind as to share their dinner with us Sunday were are returning the favor. I'm making my Green and White Chili recipe for us all so when they arrive there is no need for them to worry about making dinner. I hope they enjoy my cooking as much as we enjoyed theirs.

While traveling to Magnolia Beach yesterday we saw a street sign that brought a smile to both our faces. When I moved in with Tricia back in 2010 she had two cats. One was mean as could be and the other just as sweet as could be. Their names were Jack and Jill.

Jack and Jill Road just outside of Magnolia Beach, TX

Jill was the sweet one. She would hang out on our bed in the afternoon sunlight until I got home from work. Then as soon as I sat down on the couch she would snuggle up next to me. She also had a talent for sneaking under your hand while you were watching TV and without even realizing it you were soon petting her.

Jill enjoying the Florida sunshine.

A closeup of the little cutie pie.

Time for a snuggle.

Jack on the other hand was just the opposite. When I got home from work I'd have to go looking for him. He would hide behind the couch or under the bed. If you tried to pick him up you'd be met with snarls and growls with a little swatting thrown in. I don't think he liked people much, until it was time to eat, then he was almost normal.

Jack and Jill were both rescued from previous owners. Tricia adopted them both, at two separate times, from animal shelters. Most rescued animals will eventually recover from their abusive treatment, but some like Jack have a bit more struggle dealing with people.

Jack and Jill both passed away within a year of each other. This occurred a few years before we left to live in our Airstream. When they passed we decided not to try and replace them with other pets to travel with us on the road.

Sorry, but try as we might we were unable to find a single picture with Jack in it, not surprising since he was always hiding. We do have photos of him, but just unable to locate them in time for making it into this post.

You also may be wondering what all that smoke in the street sign picture is about. Well that is part of a controlled burn that is occurring in the fields of a nearby farm. Here's another shot closer up.

Don't worry the house is in no danger from the fire.

WEDNESDAY - When it comes to our weather here on Magnolia Beach what a difference a day makes! Yesterday afternoon with temperatures near 80°F and a slight breeze blowing in off the water we opened up our rear hatch door to help cool off the inside of THE POD.

By dinner time the winds were increasing and like normal the temperature began to drop. At 5:00AM this morning the temperature was 45°F and the winds were at a constant 30MPH with gusts up to 40MPH. The whole trailer was rocking (not in a good way) and the waves were kicking a lot further up onto the shore than yesterday.

We knew this weather was coming and were well prepared for it. The winds will most likely be gone by dinnertime tonight, but Thursday morning (the day we are moving again) temperatures are forecast to drop another ten degrees to near freezing. That's going to be a fun morning!

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