YEAR #2 - STOP #51

"The Hoosier State"
is our 23rd visited state

With today being a longer than normal drive we scheduled a rest stop before leaving the state of Ohio. Just outside of Cincinnati you will find one of the two Jungle Jim's International Market locations. With over 200,000 square feet of market space, if you can eat it or drink it, chances are you can find it here.

Just for example, being from South Florida we love Mojo Marinade. You can find it in just about every grocery store back home, even the 7-Elevens have it on the shelf. We haven't seen any over the last four months we spent in the Northeast United States, believe me we looked! At Jungle Jim's we found four different varieties of Mojo from three different countries. We went with 2 bottles of Badia's Mojo Marinade, our favorite from back home.

Most local supermarkets dedicate only one side of one aisle for all their ethnic food offerings. At Jungle Jim's there is an entire aisle for each and every country or region. We spent two hours shopping here and it could have been longer, except when you come in the front door they hand you a printed aisle map of the entire store.

In addition to having everything you could want to eat, you'll find beer and wine from all over the world. This section alone could fill your neighborhood grocery store.

Another unique aspect of Jungle Jim's are all the larger than life decorations, both inside and outside the store, that give you the feeling of being at DisneyWorld. Here are just a few photos we took while visiting today.


Ready to get back on the road!

FRIDAY - At 7:00PM the park offered a guided nature walk to familiarize people with the trails that are located inside the park. We did a small sample of four different trails on this 1-3/4 mile nature walk which was lead by a park volunteer.

We had a very small turnout for the walk which made it nice. Turns out the only other participants on the hike were the volunteer's sister, brother-in-law and 89 year old father. That's right, 89 year old dad was doing well keeping up with the small group for the first mile and a half. Then he ran out of steam with only a quarter mile to go. We found him a bench to relax on next to the roadway and he sat out the last quarter mile of the hike. I can only hope to be half that active if I reach that age.

A scene from our nature walk tonight!

• • • 100 MILE • • •

34.25 MILES

A guided 1-3/4 mile nature hike through the park
brings our annual total up to 34.25 miles.

SUNDAY - We were up early this morning because we have plans to visit not one, but two caves today. Twin Caves is first and is located right here in the State Park. For a small $3 fee you get a short non-motorized boat ride 500 feet deep into the cave. The first tour is at 9:30 AM and of course we were on it. They take in two boats loads of up to eight people on each tour.

Our boats are ready! We are ready! Where are the drivers?

The very short cave entrance.

Deep inside the cave.

The next cave tour is about a 20 mile drive from the park. Bluesprings Cavern is a privately owned cave and was much larger. This cave tour is also a boat ride and in very similar boats as were we in for the State Park tour. The big difference were these boats had a small electric trolling motors and electric underwater lights.

The underwater lights made it a lot easier to spot the small eyeless cavefish and crayfish that live deep inside the cave. They have no eyes because they exist in a world where there is zero light and have no use for eyes. They simply evolved to fit their natural habitat.

Unfortunately it is near impossible to photograph anything underwater without actually being underwater, so all our photos didn't make the cut!

A very steep walk down to the cave entrance.

Once again our transportation awaits.

A fine example of flowstone on the side of the cave.

We had to watch our heads so as not to bump them on this large stalactite.


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