Right after we arrived and got set up on our water front site I switched out an empty propane tank from THE POD with a full one from the bed of ROVER. I always try to maintain two of our three 30lb. bottles filled full of propane because you never know when you're going to need it.
The second chore I took care of was to get ROVER's oil changed at the local FORD dealership. When I called to hopefully get an appointment for tommorow he informed me they had an opening today at 3:30PM. It was already 2:30PM but I told him I would be there.
Just before dark Tricia's brother, Jim, stopped by our campsite after work for a chat and we made plans to meet again for Saturday breakfast.
FRIDAY - I sure am glad I took the time to fill our spare propane tank yesterday, because today there was a long line of trucks waiting for their turn to get their tanks filled.
The forecasted overnight lows are dropping one or two degrees each day for the last two nights we are here. They are currently expected to be 26°F and 23°F and we are going to need that propane to run our furnace overnight.
The other chore we took care of today was getting our laundry done. We'll have to do it one more time before we fly out to Hawaii.
BTW - The third time must be the charm because we scored a 2-week reservation in Glacier National Park this morning at the very popular Apgar Campground. YEAH!
SATURDAY - This morning we awoke early and called Tricia's brother to get his breakfast order.
I then phoned in our order and jumped in the truck to head out to a local diner. They stop taking "to go" orders at 8:00AM so they can better serve the customers they have waiting at the tables in their dining rooms.
I thought that was a little odd but when I arrived at exactly 8:00AM I saw one cook in a tiny kitchen trying to serve at least 15-tables their food. It all made sense after that.
Jim arrived back at our campsite just in time for breakfast and afterwards we broke out the Phase 10 Card Game and played a couple of rounds. Tricia won them both!
In an attempt to change the winner, we next broke out our new Left-Center-Right Dice Game and sure enough Jim won that game, leaving me the only loser for the day.
When the conversation started dying down around noon Jim headed home with us making plans to visit him at his place the next day for some lunch.
SUNDAY - Last night it was cooooold! The forecast was right on as it was 26°F when we woke up this morning.
Later today when it warms up a little we'll call Jim and find out what he wants to do about ordering some lunch.
You may be wondering why we don't just go out for meals? Well Tricia hasn't been feeling all that well lately and she's trying to avoid crowded restaurants and other places. Every once in a while she'll break out into a coughing fit and doesn't want that to happen in a crowded space.
Over the past few days she's not been getting any worse, she's just not getting any closer to feeling better. All the over-the-counter remedys she's trying are just not helping much.
We've already discussed it, if she's not better by Thursday, it'll be time to locate a walk-in clinic.
No matter what, she's got to be better before we get on the plane bound for Hawaii!
We all agreed that Thai food would be what's for lunch and Jim knew just the place to order from.
I went to pick up the food and brought it back to Jim's place. When we were all finished with lunch we piled into Jim's car and drove a short distance over to a 3.71 acre property that's for sale.
He's considering buying it and putting in a concrete pad with a roof over it and moving his Class A Motorhome over there to live. It would take some work to make it liveable, like ungrading the electrical service and putting in a septic system. There is already a well and pump on the property so the need for water is already taken care of.
If he decides to make an offer on the property he promised to make room for THE POD for when we visit.
♩ ♪ ♬ As Willie Nelson sang way back in 1980: ♬ ♪ ♩
(slightly modified to fit our purposes)
Goin' places that we've never been.
Seein' things that we may never see again
and we can't wait to get on the road again!
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