THURSDAY - Today is the first "Official Day" of the Canopener Rally.

Everything up until now has just been a "warm-up round" for the events planned for this weekend.

At 2:00PM everyone began lining up outside of the clubhouse to wait their turn to register for the rally. This is also the time when we receive our goodie bags filled with items like a Yetti Coffee Mug emblazoned with the Canopener logo you see at the top of this post.

After registering it's time for the Beer Exchange. This is where people bring their favorite beer, or maybe a special regional beer, to exchange for something else. Bring a six pack and you'll receive tickets to select six beers from the wide selection that others have brought.

FRIDAY - Today is going to be a weather washout!

All of our planned activities for today are going to be moved back to Saturday, after yet another storm front moves through the area. The wind is forecast to pickup to 20MPH around 11:00AM and then the rain will start around noon and not subside until 8:00PM tonight.

That just means we are going to have a very busy day tomorrow.

SATURDAY - Our "Rally Day" started at 10:00AM this morning with Bloody Mary's. A contingent of Alabama Airstreams put on their offering called "It's A Southern Thang" which was comprised of Tomato Sandiches, Moon Pies, RC Cola and Sweet Tea.

Shortly thereafter the Cornhole Tournament began with over 60 participants. We only had 6-sets of cornhole boards available for play, so it took a while (5 rounds) just to get passed the first elimination round. After that it went a little quicker and by 1:30PM we had determined a winner.

It was the same guy that won it the previous year, which seems to happen a lot with this tournament. Unfortunately I was eliminated by a score of 21-10 in the first round this year!

We have a little time before you're supposed to drop off your chili offering for the 4:15PM "Chili Feed" event. To make it interesting we line up all our tables in a single line, end to end, out in the clubhouse parking lot and call it "The Long Long Table".

It's an homage to the 1953 Long Long Trailer movie starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in which an "Airstream looking" trailer plays a key role in the plot.

The actual trailer in the movie was not an Airstream, it was a 1953 36-foot Redman New Moon, which is no longer in business.

SUNDAY - The rally is over and it's now time to pack up our campsite and begin our 21-day trek across the southern United States.

By the time February 1st rolls around we need to be in Sacramento, CA so we can fly out of San Francisco for Hawaii.

SORRY there haven't been many pictures in this post!
We were just too busy enjoying our visit with Heather and all the rest of the rally attendees.

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