The Ranger at the check-in station had no problem letting us check-in 1-hour early and we were quickly on our way to the campsite.
After four failed attempts at getting into the site I threw in the towel and pulled completely off the site, went around the block and came in at an unconventional angle and nailed it on the first try.
We've backed THE POD into over 500 different campsites in the last 6+ years, so you'd like to think we could do this blindfolded by now. That was part of the problem today, we didn't take into account that each campsite is different and each one needs to be approached according to it's unique surroundings. Lesson learned! I hope.
FRIDAY - The "#1 Thing To Do" down here in the southern end of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is to go tubing on the Platte River.
There are two different places that the outfitter will drop you and your rented tube on the river. The shorter of the two trips down the river will take no more than 1 hour to float and the second location is a 2-2½ hour float. Both trips end just before the Platt River meets Lake Michigan.
Riverside Canoes also rents kayaks, rafts, paddleboards and of course canoes that you can take down the river, all the way from the outfitters location to the river's end at Lake Michigan. These trips usually take 1½-2 hours, depending entirely on how much you want to paddle.
We of course elected to do the longer tube float trip and planned to be on the river by 2PM.









MONDAY - After a rainy weekend, Tricia was itching to get back out on the river, this time in a kayak.
I didn't share the desire to see the river again, so I elected to forgo another trip down the river and instead went into town to fill ROVER's gas tank and eat a second breakfast at Wendy's.
I dropped Trica at the outfitters at 9:00AM where the longer kayak trips launch from and made plans to pick her up at the end of trip at 11:00AM, then headed into town.












TUESDAY - It's that time again! Time to go "Knee Deep in the Great Lakes", this time in Lake Michigan.
This is #3 of 5, which if my math is correct, means there's only two more to collect to have the complete set.
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