I think Tricia was a little bit bored during our longer than normal travel day because she kept taking photos of a very long freight train that we had been following for the last hour or so. The train tracks kept criss-crossing with Interstate 10 in eastern Arizona and then continued on into western New Mexico.

We were maintaining a steady 60MPH on the Interstate, but the train would speed up on the long straight aways and then have to slow down when reaching curves or town road crossings. For nearly an hour we didn't loose sight of this train.

Rolling across the flat Arizona desert.

Here the train is passing under the Interstate as we cruised over the tracks on the bridge.

Something I didn't mention in the last post was that on Wednesday we drove into town to have lunch with a friend. David, who we met in Waco, TX nearly two years ago, is traveling from California to Florida in his Airstream and was passing by the small town of Willcox, AZ on Interstate 10 near where we were staying.

We've spoken on the phone many times over the last two years, but haven't met in person again until today. After sharing a great BBQ lunch with us, David returned to the road and we went into the town library where I used their free wifi to generate the previous blog post.

Because we cut our visit in Chiricahua National Monument short by four days, we need to find accommodations to fill that time. David mentioned that he was headed to Rockhound State Park in New Mexico for six days and we decided to see if we could get a site in the same campground. On the park's website in showed that all campsites were booked for the weekend, but we stopped by anyway to see if there wasn't something available.

As luck would have it, the camp host informed us she had one site, for just one night, due to someone who cut their reservation short and left earlier today. It was in the upper campground loop that doesn't have water or electric hookups, but that's OK with us, we've got a nearly full fresh water tank and plenty of sunshine here to charge our batteries.

I think we surprised David because when I called him and told him to look out his window, he could see me waving back at him. He is on Site #3 and we are on Site #00, which is easily seen from his vantage point on the top of the loop high above us.

Who needs electric when you have these kind of skies for solar collection!

Site #00? That's a first for us.

Nice views out the back and front of our site.

A closer look at our front view of the mountains and check-in station.

After we got all settled into our site we all three agreed it was time to "take a hike". While David went back to his site to change into his hiking boots, we set up chairs in front of THE POD to rest up in after the hike. During this time a lady named Jean was walking her dog named Rose past our site. Tricia started a conversation with her and took the opportunity to pet Rose.

Upon David's return with his dog named Axle we made sure the two dogs got along and then invited Jean and Rose to hike with us, they accepted.

We all took off on the hike from the campground and soon were paired off, women out front and men following along on the trail. Less than a few hundred yards into the 1-mile hike we were all pretty winded. The trail led straight up the mountain side you can see in the first campsite photo above.

The next two photos were taken from near the point where we turned around and headed back to the campground.

Oddly this mountain range is called the Little Florida Mountains.

A zoomed in look at ROVER and THE POD in our campsite below.

We all four arrived back at THE POD just in time to watch the moonrise over the mountain.

Turns out Jean recently sold the pie shop she owned and operated for 10-years on Cape Cod, not far from where Tricia grew up. She has been full-timing in a Class C Winnebago since June of last year and has enjoyed every minute of her 26,000-miles of traveling the United States.

Several hours later with the sun going down and the breeze picking up, it wasn't long before we were all too cold to carry on a conversation. Thus bringing a conclusion to a very pleasant day!

In case you all missed it, the two dogs names are Axle and Rose!
All you Guns N' Roses fans know what I'm referring to.

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