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Merriam-Webster definitions:

NOMAD - a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory

ANNIVERSARY - the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event

Now if you compound these two words together you get nomadiversary. While it's true that this word is not yet recognized by Merriam-Webster I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it is.

It's hard to believe it was three years ago we packed up all our belongings and left Broward County in South Florida.

While we did make a brief appearance back in South Florida this past year, we did manage to salvage a pretty amazing year of travels. We were not going to let a worldwide pandemic put a damper on our retirement plans!

The month of May found us sitting in Cape Cod, MA. To be more precise we were in Tricia's aunt and uncle's backyard waiting for the world to return to some sense of normalcy from the COVID 19 pandemic.

As soon as the National Forest campgrounds in New Hampshire and Vermont reopened we were back on the road. We spent most of June, all of July and August in the Green Mountain and White Mountain National Forests. In September we ent back to Cape Cod for two weeks during Labor Day Weekend before starting a slow roll south for the winter months.

Unlike in 2018 when we traveled the mountain ridges of Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway through Virginia and North Carolina, this time we traveled in the valleys of the Appalachian Mountains and toured 11 different show caves and spent time in a couple of additional National Forests.

We were a little bit slow returning to north Florida and got caught in more freezing overnight situations than we planned for. We had our lowest overnight temperature (19°) since hitting the road while we were in Northern Alabama in December, but we survived without harm to us or THE POD.

After New Year's we spent two and a half months in Florida before making our way back to Texas where we picked up on our interupted travel plans from last year.

Last month we picked up our 30th visited state, Kansas. It was our first new state in over a year.

Now we are back on track and plan on spending the rest of the year in the midwest United States, seeing "all new to us" destinations and possibly new to you.

So check back often to see what we're up to now!

to all of our non-Facebook Followers

There are a few dozen people following this blog who are getting email notices of when a new post is available, that service is being discontinued sometime in July.

If I can't locate an alternative service to send out email notifications the only way to get notices will be through our Facebook Group.

There is a link below to join our Facebook Group for your convenience!

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Until next time