NYC VISIT - DAY 2 of 3

14,603 steps = 4.9 miles

Big Bus Tour - Brooklyn (purple route)
9/11 Memorial & Museum
Cheesecake at Junior's Restaurant
Big Bus Tour - Uptown (blue route)

The Brooklyn Bridge with downtown Manhattan in the background
The Welcome to Brooklyn sign! I don't know but our tour guide, a Brooklyn native, made a big deal about it so we shared the photo with you all.
The Original 1950's Junior's Restaurant in Brooklyn
Brooklyn's version of a skyscraper
Intentional graffiti placed on the side of this building
The Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Arch in Brooklyn
The decorative Brooklyn Public Library entrance
Beautiful residential building
Back over the bridge to Manhattan
Looking up at the Mahattan Bridge tower
One of the two Memorial Pool's outside the 9/11 Museum
Video display beneather the Times Square Ball
Grand Central Terminal (Station)


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Day 2 in New York City begins just like Day 1, alarm clock goes off at 6AM and after a quick breakfast we are headed for the train station. An hour or so later we are at Penn Station and head over to Stop #4 to board the Big Bus Tour. Today we are riding around to Stop #12 where the Brooklyn Big Bus Tour begins.

The 90 minute Brooklyn tour begins in Lower Manhattan at Battery Park. We will cross over the Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn because the bus is over the weight limit for the aging Brooklyn Bridge, which means we'll be able to take broadside pictures of it as we pass by.

The Brooklyn Tour ends very near the 9/11 Museum and Memorial so that's what we will do next. So far on our journey we have visited the 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon site in Arlington, VA and then several months later we visited the 9/11 Memorial in the Pennsylvania field near Shanksville. Today we are at the 9/11 Memorial at the previous site of the twin towers of The World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, NYC, NY. Here, as with the other two sites, it's eerily quiet like you'd find in a church or library. Even though the 9/11 attacks were nearly 18 years ago it still had a profound effect us and on just about everyone who visits.

I remember that morning. I was at work like almost everyone else when we heard about what had happened in New York. Even though we all had computers at our desks with internet access, for some reason we were all huddled around one small TV in the conference room. About a dozen of us were watching when the second tower was hit and were still watching when it fell. Someone said out loud what we were all thinking, "a lot of people just died". It was several hours before we all went back to our desks and tried unsuccessfully to get some work done.

I know I've written alot here about the 9/11 Memorial site and it's because we didn't take many pictures to show you, it just didn't occur to us while we were there in the moment. I hope everyone reading will someday get the chance to also visit one, if not all three, of these memorial sites for yourself. I think it's important that we never forget what happened that day.

Well it's now time for lunch and we've been told several times that Junior's Restaurant has the best cheesecake in all of New York, we'll just have to go determine that for ourselves. It was and I'm sorry to say again there are no photos to show you just how yummy it looked. With lunch completed it's time to hop back on the Big Bus and do the Uptown Manhattan tour.

There were just so many sights and so much to take in we didn't take a lot of photos on this tour either. But we saw Bryant Park and the east side of Central Park, along with Grand Central Terminal (Station), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Carnegie Hall and Columbus Circle. Everything we saw was just a blur and a total information overload, but I'm glad we did the tour. Our tour was over around 6PM and we were both tired, so we called it a day, then walked the mile or so back to Penn Station to start our long trek back home.

Until next time

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