YEAR #2 - STOP #57

Today was a longer than average travel day for us so we decided to do something we rarely do. While towing THE POD through Missouri today we stopped and did a little sightseeing. I checked out the Google satellite view of the parking lot surrounding Fantastic Caverns. They have a separate parking area just for school buses, tour buses and RVs, plenty of room for us to maneuver in and out of.

I guess I should have called first, because when we arrived that parking lot was closed off for renovations they were in the middle of trying to complete. We squeezed our way into the standard parking lot and got turned around into the direction we would need to exit the lot after the tour, that turned out to be a very smart move.

The cave tour at Fantastic Caverns is different than any other tour we have done so far. There were no stairs to climb, no ramps to negotiate and no walking what so ever. The entire tour is enjoyed while riding in a trailer that was being pulled by a Jeep. There were a few spots where we had to duck below rocks overhanging the roadway but other than that just sit back and enjoy the ride.

The cave itself was merely average compared to the formations we have seen elsewhere, but the ride made visiting very enjoyable.

You can just make out the front of our Jeep at the bottom of this photo

Wide open views all around

One of the larger flowstone formations

Getting back on the road we drove until reaching our new campsite.

Our view for the next eight days at an unbelievable bargain of just $10.50 per night.

SATURDAY - We were going to wait until next week to do our next cave tour, but today we just felt the need to get out and do something. Our visit to the Talking Rocks Cavern did not disappoint us!

As we have mentioned before no two caves are alike. This cave tour was only a 1/3 mile walk, but it was almost all straight down, then across the bottom of the cave, before starting back towards the surface. It's what's known as a vertical cave. There were many sections where you walked just inches from the formations all along the walls and at one point the path took us right through a large flowstone. We emerged behind the formation and exited through another very slim opening back into the cave.

We would easily place this tour in our personal Top Ten list
of the 20+ plus cave tours we have explored so far.


Looking down into the cave from above.
This formation in the center is called Cave Bacon
A cloe up look at the same formation
The tour takes you right through a large formation
A look up before we pass through the formation
The group before us exiting the cave above us
The path has several places where you have to squeeze through formations
My turn to squeeze through
More cave bacon
So much bacon
The formation in the background is a 65 foot tall column
The entire formation we walked through and then behind earlier
A final shot of cave bacon

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