Leaving from: Markham Park, Sunrise, FL
33 feet above sea level

"The Sunshine State"
is our 1st visited state

Today, May 12, 2018 marks the beginning of our full-time RV journey. For the first time in 55 years, I personally will no longer be a Broward County, FL resident. For Tricia it will be a much shorter time, having grown up in Cape Cod, MA. We will be leaving our four week temporary home here in Markham Park and traveling the 146 miles south to Bahia Honda State Park for a 13 day visit.

Yesterday in preparation to make the move, we took the truck to the CAT Scale Station out on Griffin Road and US27 to have it weighed. For $11.50 we found out what we already knew, fully loaded and with a full tank of gasoline (36 gallons/225 lbs.) we are nearly 300 lbs. over the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). With that in mind, several of what we considered necessary items were added to the truck when we first got it. The Leer Topper and the CargoGlide weigh nearly 500 lbs. all by themselves, which immediately took away from the total carrying capacity of the truck. Some serious consideration and conversation of what we NEED to carry on this trip will have to occur in the very near future.

Additionally, on our way out of town today, we returned to the CAT Scale Station to weigh the truck and the trailer together. As suspected, more bad news, but we’ll talk about that later.

TRAVEL DAY - 146 miles


We left Markham Park today at 11:00 AM and turned right onto State Road 84 West, which led us to US27 South. We followed US 27 South for 15 miles until we got to the Krome Avenue South (State Road 997) turnoff and followed it 35 miles to where it meets US1. From here it’s all US1 South until we reach our destination, Bahia Honda State Park.

In the Florida Keys, everything that is located on US1 is addressed by it’s Mile Marker number. For instance, Bahia Honda State Park’s official address is 36850 Overseas Highway, Big Pine Key, FL 33043. The first three digits tell you the mile marker number, 36.8, and the last two tell you which side of the road it’s on, even numbers on the Atlantic Ocean side and odd numbers on the Gulf of Mexico/Florida Bay side.

You may have notice that the official address for the park is Overseas Highway and not US1. The 110 mile section of US1 from Key West to just north of Key Largo is known as The Overseas Highway. In 2001 this section was designated a Florida Scenic Highway by the state, and later in 2009 it was awarded the national status of All-American Road (one of only 30 in the nation at the time), which is the highest recognition possible under the National Scenic Byways program.

Doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door... - Creedence Clearwater Revival - 1970

Arriving at the park 30 minutes before check in time proved not to be a problem because the previous nights occupant had checked out early and the campground host was able to clear our site for occupancy. But backing into our campsite was a little tricky because we are on a small cul-de-sac at the end of the road, which also has a couple of trees in the middle of it. Once backed in and unhooked, then taking the time to look at our surroundings, I believe we have the best view of any campsite in this park.

Our first day fulltiming comes to an end!

Until next time

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